Average Route Search

Search Condition

Highway Bus Search

Highway bus seat availability

Please select the prefecture of your departure place.

Please select the prefecture of your destination.

Please select the area of your departure place.

Please select the area of your destination.

Please choose the departure date

Return tripPlease choose the departure date

select the prefecture
All areas
↓ Reverse
select the prefecture
All areas
Departure date:
Outbound trip
Return trip
Note: Overnight buses that depart after midnight will count for the previous day.
Number of passengers: Male
Note: Please enter the number of passengers who require seats.
Timetable Planning System


  • Timetable Search service Termination notice
    As of March 31, 2022, we will no longer offer timetable search.
    From now on, we will only offer average time search.
    We apologize for any inconvenience, but we will appreciate your continued patronage.
  • Average route search data updated
    On December 2, 2022, we updated average route search data on HyperDia.
  • Revision of fares and fees for some railway operators after October 2019 is not supported.
  • Some trains and flights are suspended due to the influence of the virus "COVID-19".
  • "HyperDia" route search service can be used also from smartphones.
  • Cooperation with Hotels.com
    "HyperDia" route search service collaborate with Hotels.com, an online hotel reservation service.
    You can get information on nearby hotels when you click on the hotel link in your search results. Please do try it out.
  • Warning:
    Unauthorized third party software distribution.

    Hitachi Systems, Ltd. does not endorse, authorize or approve ANY third party software or application with HyperDia search function.

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