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Key to symbols (Route)

Departure station Departure point
Transfer station Transfer station
Transit station Transit station
(direct train)
Turning station Reversing station
Arrival station Arrival point

Key to symbols (Vehicle)

Airplane Airplane
Bullet train (Shinkansen) Bullet train (Shinkansen)
Limited express (Japan Railway) Limited express (Japan Railway)
Local train (Japan Railway) Local train (Japan Railway)
Super express (Private Railway) Super express (Private Railway)
Local train (Private Railway) Local train (Private Railway)
Bus (Airport shuttle) Bus (Airport shuttle)
Car Car
Walk Walk

Links inside the search results

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Useful links

Icons below show information you can get about the area.
Map Map
The map of the area will be indicated.
Hotel Hotel
Information on nearby hotels will be provided.
Restaurant Restaurant
Information on nearby restaurants will be provided.
Rent-a-car Rent-a-car
The rental car reservation website will be indicated. (Reduced rates are offered.)
Taxi Taxi
The taxi reservation website will be indicated.
Air-Ticket Air-Ticket
The flight booking website will be displayed.